Thursday, March 4, 2010

More Scrapping

Once the bug bit me it bit me hard! I have spent the day on and off between cleaning and taking care of the grandkids doing some more scrapping. I am even stressed as I am almost out of glue and know I will be running out of adhesive squares. Wonder if Ron would take an 11 pm run to Walmart to make sure I have enough to get through the night LOL!
Anyways, here are the layouts of the day. I did some of my cousin Gwenna who I adore. She is like the sister I never had. We spent our entire lives growing up together and to this day are still very close and support each other in lifes ups and downs.


  1. AWESOME! Keep it up! Scrapping is so much fun! ALWAYS buy your adhesive in 3's. When you get down to one left in the drawer buy 3 more. Running out is not an option silly! :-)

  2. Super cute layouts Angie!!! And, yep, adhesive is something we have to keep in constant supply, lol!! REALLY hope to see you on the 29th at the Scrap and Stamp Fest, we are going to have an AMAZING time!!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  3. Awww this made me smile so big this morning :)
    I love you and wish we could spend more time together xoxo
