Am I ever looking forward to this year. No more problems and only fun family time ahead (hopefully) lol. I am also going to scrap more this year. I did do quite a bit last year which I am pretty proud of and have my scrap room organized and it even stays that way after I scrap which is not a small task as any true blue scrapper knows! I am going to continue on making the most of my life and enjoying it as I have this past year with my friends and also cherish the time I have with my grandkids as they are growing older and with Tyler hitting his teen years I am dreading for the time when his nana is low on the totem pole below girls and other things lol... so far I have held steady even with girls coming and going :-) Julia is 6 and such a fun little girl although still can be a handful when she is bored! She is scrapbooking now and actually takes great care in where each item goes on her layout so I am hoping that since she started so early she will continue on and let it be something that in years from now will give her warm memories of her nana.
Next month Ron and I will be celebrating our 33rd wedding anniversary. What a journey we have had so far growing up together lol! We married at 18 so we have been through almost every phrase of our life (we met in grade school) together. I find that to be one of the biggest accomplishments that I can be proud of!
Our kids are doing wonderfully and I feel blessed everyday to have them and every single day is a blessing with both of my parents and my 88 year old grandma who was and still is my second mom. One thing you learn as you grow older is that everyday you should Thank God for another day with your family and I do!
I hope this isn'y my 2nd comment. Blogger just booted me after I hit post comment but I don't see it. I just said I am so glad Julia ia a scrapper, Tyler will always think you are "IT" and WTG on 33 years!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to see you posting! Here's to a fantastic new year!